Phases of Competition

Opening Production (this phase of competition is not scored)

Wardrobe:  All contestants will wear the annual Miss CC t-shirt.  Contestants can dress up the shirt however they would like.  

  • This phase will start the competition but is not scored.
  • A simple choreographed production will be taught the day of rehearsal.
  • Candidate's will introduce themselves on stage.  

Personal Interview (35% of overall score)

Wardrobe:  Candidate's Choice: Interview Attire

  • Duration: 9:30 with optional 30 second closing statement
  • Allows insight into the candidate’s ability to fulfill the responsibilities outlined in the job description and contract
  • Provides the opportunity to learn as much as possible about the candidate’s qualities and attributes to fulfill the titleholder position
  • Allows insight into the commitment to advance and execute on her social impact initiative and have a year of service - not celebrity
  • Allows insight into the commitment to continue her education
  • Allows insight into the ability to express and distinguish her beliefs and have a true knowledge of the world around her
  • Ability to get sense of accomplishments above and beyond the resume

On-Stage Interview/Social Impact Pitch (15% of overall score)

Wardrobe:  Candidate's Choice: Interviewing for the Job

  • Time limit for answer:  20 seconds
  • Advancing the same criteria as the personal interview by bringing it on stage in an interactive energetic way to showcase each candidates’ intelligence, personality, charisma, and aptitude for the titleholder job
  • Allows audiences to truly get to know the candidate
  • Allows ability to see how these discussions take place in a public forum showcasing the greater ability to communicate., stage presence, commanding presence, and relatability
  • Allows ability to judge first impression reaction
  • Allows ability to determine if the candidate cannot simply answer the question asked, but build on a conversation from the personal interview
  • Allows the ability to see interactivity and discussion
  • Allows the ability to see if candidate can serve as a role model and is reflective of her generation

Red Carpet (15% of overall score)

Wardrobe:  Candidate's Choice of Evening Wear

  • Allows a look into a how the candidate exhibits her own personal style, attitude, personality, grace, presence, and confidence while making her own statement about her mission for the job.
  • Allows a look into composure, confidence, the attention she captures on the stage, her command of the stage, presence, and how she appears in the spotlight.
  • Allows ability to judge first impression reaction.
  • Allows a look at posture and carriage.

Talent (35% of overall score)

Wardrobe:  Candidate's Choice:  Talent

  • Allows insight into the candidate’s preparatory and performance skills.
  • Looks at selection of talent presentation, as well as the performance.
  • Looks at interpretive ability and technical skill level including execution, technique synchronization, and control.
  • Allows insight into stage presence and on-state personality.
  • Allows a look at the totality of the elements; Costume, Props, Music, Voice, Use of the Body, and Choreography.
  • Looks for how enjoyable and relatable the performance is.
  • IMPORTANT – The titleholder’s job description, responsibilities and duties are also considered as part of the scoring for Talent.

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